Whilst you will need to make a commitment to work to succeed, the study should be an enjoyable experience as you learn about engineering and develop friendships amongst your colleagues. We would like to give you a short introduction to the first year of study and the very basic information.
Study as best you can.
You can receive a scholarship from the second semester – first year of the study! Your study results are also important for being selected to travel abroad with a financial contribution from the university. Try to keep studying according the study plan. You would avoid a number of difficulties and possible studies prolongation fee.
Thank you for helping us to maintain the good reputation of the university!
Be aware of the university regulations.
By enrolling to the university, you have assigned to various regulations. Breaching them may lead to the termination of your studies. Although the Student Administration Office may alert you once they find a possible problem, the responsibility is entirely on you. It is important to be acquainted especially with the Study and Examination Regulations for CTU students, Code of Ethics of CTU in Prague, the Guidelines for the implementation of bachelor and master degree programs at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and the current Dean’s announcements concerning studies.
Email contact and information at website
You will be informed by the faculty and teachers about the current announcements by email set at your usermap.cvut.cz account.
The general news are also on the Faculty website in section “student”. Academic year schedule for the Faculty is available with other common information for students at https://portal.fsv.cvut.cz/en/student/informace.php and summarises the plan for the whole academic year. The courses schedule for the semester is at https://portal.fsv.cvut.cz/rozvrh?lang=en .
Keep us informed
Please, let us know in the case there are some difficulties preventing you from study properly. The sooner will be the faculty informed; the more possibilities to help are available.
Don’t hesitate to contact the Student Administration Office, vice dean for study branches or vice-dean for Education. There is also a possibility of consultations at the support centre for students with special needs – ELSA.
Student Administration Office
Faculty management (dean, vice-dean for education and vice-deans for study branches): https://portal.fsv.cvut.cz/en/hlavni/manage.php
Programme co-ordinator: prof. Ing. Michal Jandera, Ph.D. michal.jandera@fsv.cvut.cz
Za obsah odpovídá: prof. Ing. arch. Ing. Zuzana Pešková, Ph.D.
Adresa a kontakt
České vysoké učení technické v Praze
Fakulta stavební
Thákurova 7/2077
166 29 Praha 6 – Dejvice
Pro média
Spojte se s námi
České vysoké učení technické v Praze
Fakulta stavební
Thákurova 7/2077
166 29 Praha 6 – Dejvice
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