The study in this program is subjected to tuition fees charged.
Water availability and quality is becoming an issue worldwide. Climate change and the pollution of water and the environment are global problems affecting our society. To satisfy our civilization demand for water and renewable energy resources while producing sustainable solutions for related environmental challenges, the society needs water & environmental specialists with sound technical education as offered in this study programme.
2 years
The programme is composed of a common core (a block of compulsory core courses providing a broad fundamental basis) and three elective specializations. At the beginning of the programme study, a student chooses one of the following specializations:
Hydraulic Engineering
Water Management
Environmental Engineering and Science
Besides the common-core courses, each specialization offers specific compulsory courses further extending the knowledge of physical processes, engineering applications and skills for effective engineering design in the field of a selected specialization. The student‘s list of programme courses is complemented with a selection of elective courses of individual interest (courses from the other specializations). Furthermore, the programme contains a series of invited lectures, a track-based project and the MSc Thesis.
How to apply to study
Students are given a great deal of freedom in shaping their study plan. Furthermore, they enjoy a possibility of close personal interaction with their teachers and supervisors. The individual approach offers frequent consultations and personal guidance particularly in executing the track-based project and the diploma project.
The programme includes training in high quality laboratories to support the interaction between theory and practice. The laboratory facilities can also be used in individual works on the track-based project and/or the diploma project. The laboratories are in possession of a broad variety of experimental models (including flumes) and measuring techniques to cover topics in all three elective specializations.
Water & environmental engineers find employment opportunities and career prospects with profit- and non-profit employers such as:
The study programme is completed with a final state examination which is composed of the defence of the MSc Thesis and an oral exam based on four thematic areas. Two areas are common for all three specializations of the study programme and the other two areas are specialization-specific. After graduation, the students can proceed with their studies in a doctoral study programme offered by the Faculty.
Study Programme Guarantor
Za obsah odpovídá: prof. Ing. arch. Ing. Zuzana Pešková, Ph.D.
Adresa a kontakt
České vysoké učení technické v Praze
Fakulta stavební
Thákurova 7/2077
166 29 Praha 6 – Dejvice
Pro média
Spojte se s námi
České vysoké učení technické v Praze
Fakulta stavební
Thákurova 7/2077
166 29 Praha 6 – Dejvice
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